A good first impression is crucial for commercial businesses. No potential customer, client, or business associate wants to walk through a door to see a dirty, dingy entranceway leading to their destination. The right entrance and carpet mats go a long way toward keeping these spaces clean and creating a good initial impression at the door.
Why Commercials Spaces Need Floor Mats
So exactly how can floor mats clean up a messy entrance? Three reasons:
- Cleanliness
- Floor protection
- Identification
A dirty floor is not a good first step toward impressing people. Quality entrance mats and wall-to-wall vestibule tiles help entrances and the surrounding spaces look good during every season. These products are designed to scrape off debris while people walk inside, keeping unsightly substances and slippery puddles off your clean floors.
Another major benefit of commercial floor mats and vestibule tiles is that they act as a shield for your floors. Regular foot traffic can grind debris like rock salt and other substances into your floors, leaving permanent scrapes and scuffs. Floor mats are designed to take a beating so that your floors don’t have to, saving you from replacing your floor or living with the damage.
Commercial floor mats can also serve as another way to greet the people entering your building. Logo mats are another way to incorporate your branding throughout your building, adding an extra level of professionalism to your entrances. These mats can also be customized with special messages, giving you some ability to get creative in addition to keeping your floors safe and clean.
Mat Recommendations for Commercial Spaces
Every building is different so it’s important to choose a commercial floor mat or vestibule tiles that match your business. Here are six top matting products for commercial buildings:
• Dura-Tile II
• Enforcer
• Niagra
• Chevron
• Carpet Tile (Pin Surface)
• Frontrunner
Whether you need carpet-like vestibule tiles or attractive, heavy-traffic floor mats, there’s a matting solution for you. Register for an official Durable account for 24/7 access to our company and to order commercial mats online.